YEAR > 2008
DATES > from June 6th to July 6th 2008
PLACE > Centre Cultural la Mercè (Girona, Spain)

In the beginning there was thought and clay
The earth was a chaotic and dark loneliness
While the artist’s idea flied over the workshop’s waters
And he said: - Let there be light
And light was done and, once done, it split up from darkness
And he said: - Let there be gesture.
And the gesture was done, and once done, it split up from the space
And, lo, the gesture was there contained and he contained it
And he said: - Let there be form
And form was made and, once made, some things moved away
And other things stayed
And, lo, both contemplated the lights,
Minerales and reflecting metals of the firmament.
And he said: - Let there be man
And he became a man in his own image and likeness.
And it happened that he was seen and it happened he saw himself
And the more he looked, the more he saw
And as he understood himself, he understood what he contemplated
And when he contemplated himself, he understood.
And an only eye of a thousand faces
Looked upon the restless waters of creation,
And the thousand of faces looked at each other and recognize just one eye
Looking from the kaleidoscopic manifestation of light.
Jordi Esteban – May 2008 -